
martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

In the Mistress's domains, part III (new alternative version).

Hi! It was supposed that I would be posting the fourth scene for the Alien Mistress series, but finally, while discussing the details with the commissioner, we realised that this scene could be an alternative version based of the previous scene, so the result could be considered as an alternate for the third scene where the Mistress this time is footing the slave instead fisting him.
As in the previous scene, you can also see how a tablet device near them is recording the scene and providing x-ray views for a better enjoyment!

Alien Mistress belongs to alllatex2003.

Feel free to comment to show your support!

2 comentarios:

  1. Nice Piece of Art ! [^ç^\

  2. " I'm going to my foot something of far come up in your ass that you could chew nails me with no effort! " *Major Payne* ^^

    This is really a extreme kind of a foodjob. ^^ Nice idea and very good drawing.
