Heya! you may have noticed that I’ve been out last two weeks. I’ve been taking care of my family and if everything goes well, I will be back to work in the middle of next week.
On regards to commissions, I’m posting the provisional list of this batch.
You will see that some commissions are “reserved”, other ones are “pending” and just one is “confirmed”.
With “pending” I mean that I really liked the ideas and I’m willing to work on them but there are still a few details to discuss or polish before moving forward, mainly because I haven’t had the time enough to talk with you during these weeks.
BTW, Sorry if some person haven’t received a reply during last two weeks!
Here goes the list:
- SLOT 1: 10V-18. Confirmed. Sketched. Bikini Cowgirl + book.
- SLOT 2: 11V-18. Reserved. Intergalactic mercenary + ship.
- SLOT 3: 12V-18. Reserved. Aphrodite GOW3 + bukkake.
- SLOT 4: 13V-18. Pending. Orgy at the street.
- SLOT 5: 14V-18. Pending. Twi'lek + femdom.
- SLOT6: 15V-18. Pending. Retro Sci-Fi astronaut + tentacles.
(“Confirmed” means paid slot. “Reserved” means taken but not paid yet)