domingo, 13 de julio de 2014

Weekly sketches


I've been doing several sketches and photos in the first days of vacation time and I'll try to post every day. Don't miss nothing of my summer adventures and follow me on tumblr!

7 comentarios:

  1. I'm digging the bus pic, keep it up! :]


    1. Hey, what a surprise!! Thanks a lot for visiting my blog and for your comment, really glad you like it since I think you're awesome and I follow your art since some time ago :P
      P.S: have you got Tumblr account?

    2. I do have a tumblr, although as it happens I've only began really using it earlier today:

      Not much to see yet, but hopefully that'll change with time. Cheers and may you find lots of exciting adventures this summer! :]

    3. Thanks for attaching the link, I'm following you :) Oh, you're going to fill your tumblr really soon ;)

      Thanks for your good wishes too, I'm dying for enjoying the beach and living new experiences during my trips. :P

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
